Episode 38

Published on:

21st Jan 2024

Blending Sales Expertise with Personal Wellness with Nate Nasralla

Nate Nasralla, a two-time founder and sales maestro, shares his unique journey. We’ll be exploring unconventional sales strategies that challenge traditional approaches. Nate gives us profound insights on empowering sales champions, redefining leadership, and intertwining personal wellness with professional success. His stories of balancing life as a new father, author, and thought leader in sales offer a fresh perspective on navigating the complexities of modern sales environments. This episode is not just about mastering sales tactics; it's a deeper conversation on aligning personal values with professional aspirations for holistic success.


  • 00:00:00 - Opening: Welcoming Sales Innovator Nate Nasralla
  • 00:01:25 - Meet Nate: A Glimpse into His Life and Success
  • 00:02:02 - Nate's Impressive Achievements: Founder and Sales Expert
  • 00:04:00 - Striking a Balance: Work-Life Integration Tips
  • 00:05:09 - Lifestyle Evolution: Nate's Move to Denver
  • 00:06:55 - Revolutionizing Sales: Creating Champion Sellers
  • 00:16:51 - Authenticity in Sales: Nate's Personal Journey
  • 00:19:30 - Customizing Sales: Adapting to Your Unique Style
  • 00:23:15 - Exploring a New Sales Technique
  • 00:25:58 - The Ikea Effect: Engagement in Sales
  • 00:27:29 - Catchphrases in Sales: Their Impact
  • 00:31:43 - Art of Problem Framing in Sales
  • 00:33:06 - Nate's Foundational Sales Learning as a Co-Founder
  • 00:36:23 - Mental Health in Sales: A Critical Component
  • 00:42:35 - Defining a Rising Leader in Today's Sales World

Connect With Nate here:

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Mentioned in this episode:

The Arise Immersion

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About the Podcast

The Rising Leader
‘The Rising Leader podcast is a show for top performing leaders who want to take their lives, their career, and their impact to the next level. The world is craving a new type of leadership and culture from those who lead high performing teams and are truly connected to their authentic self while blazing a trail for others to follow. This show will give you the knowledge and understanding of what it takes to lead yourself, lead others, lead a team, and lead a culture. It will help you embody the core principles of your highest version to take on any team, company, or mission. Tune into episodes (almost) every week hosted by Founder and CEO of Alluviance, Alex Kremer, whose mission is to help millennial tech sales leaders build a culture founded on purpose, connection, and growth.’

About your host

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Hector Santiesteban