Episode 2

Published on:

20th Dec 2022

Uncovering The Power Of Patience: The Journey to Making an Impact with Tom Alaimo

What's the easiest way to become successful, achieve your goals and get what you want in life?

Simple - help enough people get what they want. 

In today's episode, Alex Kremer sits down with Tom Alaimo to discuss how people can become successful in all aspects of their lives. They also talk about why everybody should have a side hustle and the benefits of having a strict morning routine. 

Tom is a passionate B2B Sales Professional. He is currently a Growth Account Executive at Gong and the co-founder of The Revenue Lab, a sales training and consulting company that helps B2B SaaS companies, teams, and individuals build predictable pipelines. Tom is also the host of The Millennial Sales Podcast, focusing on helping you sell more and have a more lucrative and fulfilling career.


00:00 Introduction

01:59 Comparing Tom now to Tom from 5 years ago

04:24 Tom's internal battle with not feeling good enough

08:44 What to do when people tell you it can't be done

10:46 Benefits of having an active side hustle

14:45 Ways to become better at your job while working on your side hustle

16:00 How to get what you want by helping others get what they want

19:16 Tom's Northstar and what he's working towards

22:51 Essential pillars for success in sales

25:10 Why Tom feels your performance at work is a reflection of your personal life

27:42 Tom's daily practice: Focus on what you can control 

29:40 Alex shares what he does to help him focus on the controllable

34:03 Get the most out of your day by having a morning practice

35:13 How to uncover your "Why" through big-picture thinking

37:03 Tom shares how he comes up with evergreen content ideas

39:02 Where to find inspiration for juicy content ideas

41:16 What to expect from Tom 10, 20 years from now

44:15 The power of becoming aware of your life's mission

46:10 Parting words of wisdom 

49:32 Closing notes


Tom's LinkedIn

Book - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 

The Millennial Sales Podcast

The Revenue Lab

Mentioned in this episode:

The Arise Immersion

Show artwork for The Rising Leader

About the Podcast

The Rising Leader
‘The Rising Leader podcast is a show for top performing leaders who want to take their lives, their career, and their impact to the next level. The world is craving a new type of leadership and culture from those who lead high performing teams and are truly connected to their authentic self while blazing a trail for others to follow. This show will give you the knowledge and understanding of what it takes to lead yourself, lead others, lead a team, and lead a culture. It will help you embody the core principles of your highest version to take on any team, company, or mission. Tune into episodes (almost) every week hosted by Founder and CEO of Alluviance, Alex Kremer, whose mission is to help millennial tech sales leaders build a culture founded on purpose, connection, and growth.’

About your host

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Hector Santiesteban