Episode 42

Published on:

25th Feb 2024

Maximizing Performance and Developing Holistic Leaders with Chris Orlob

Meet Chris Orlob, the visionary co-founder and CEO of PClub.io! He and Alex have a profound discussion on the foundational elements of effective leadership and the intricate art of mastering sales. Chris takes us into the indispensable roles of character and vision in establishing trust and guiding teams towards success, emphasizing the need for authenticity in leadership. The conversation also explores the concept of sales as a collection of skills that, when mastered individually, contribute to comprehensive excellence. Chris's personal anecdotes and deep understanding of sales dynamics offer valuable insights into personal growth, the importance of understanding one's audience, and the continuous evolution required in the sales domain. This episode not only illuminates the path to sales mastery but also underscores the significance of empathy and detailed knowledge of the market in achieving leadership excellence.


  • 00:00:00 - Leadership Unleashed: The Opening Act
  • 00:01:01 - In the Spotlight: Chris Orlob's Leadership Symphony
  • 00:02:01 - Navigating the Sales Mastery Maze
  • 00:09:47 - Unlocking the Empathy Enigma in Sales
  • 00:15:05 - Tales from the Sales Frontier with Chris
  • 00:19:28 - The Motivation Mystery: What Fuels Sales Success?
  • 00:20:42 - Peeking Behind the Sales Curtain: Psychology Uncovered
  • 00:22:01 - The Quest for the Missing Sales Management Talent
  • 00:24:33 - Crafting Today’s Sales Leadership Blueprint
  • 00:26:10 - The Energizing Art of Sales Leadership
  • 00:33:28 - Spinning Yarns: The Storytelling Masters of Sales
  • 00:36:54 - The Character and Vision Chronicles: Leading by Example

Connect With Chris here:

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Mentioned in this episode:

The Arise Immersion

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About the Podcast

The Rising Leader
‘The Rising Leader podcast is a show for top performing leaders who want to take their lives, their career, and their impact to the next level. The world is craving a new type of leadership and culture from those who lead high performing teams and are truly connected to their authentic self while blazing a trail for others to follow. This show will give you the knowledge and understanding of what it takes to lead yourself, lead others, lead a team, and lead a culture. It will help you embody the core principles of your highest version to take on any team, company, or mission. Tune into episodes (almost) every week hosted by Founder and CEO of Alluviance, Alex Kremer, whose mission is to help millennial tech sales leaders build a culture founded on purpose, connection, and growth.’

About your host

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Hector Santiesteban