Episode 31

Published on:

5th Nov 2023

Chasing Dreams and Authenticity Beyond the World of Commissions with Christian Krause

We dive deep into Christian Krause's transformative journey from a dedicated AE to a life coach. Christian candidly shares the challenges he faced, including grappling with imposter syndrome and the pivotal moments that led him to pursue a life of purpose and authenticity. From his European adventures to his insights on sales and self-discovery, Christian's story is a testament to the power of self-reflection and the pursuit of genuine happiness.


  • 00:00:00 - Introducing The Rising Leader Podcast: Empowering Leaders To Find Purpose, Connection, And Results
  • 00:01:01 - Locks of Greatness: Christian Krauss and the Hair Journey
  • 00:06:11 - Wanderlust to Barcelona: My Fifth Country Adventure!
  • 00:11:33 - The Intriguing Rise of Colin Cadmiss: Inspiring a New Wave of Sales Professionals
  • 00:12:42 - Unraveling the Origins: Exploring the Intrinsic Drive to Excel in Sales
  • 00:14:41 - Overcoming Poverty And Single Parenthood: A Personal Journey
  • 00:19:25 - From Salesforce to Self-Care: Unveiling the 30-Day Posting Challenge and Battling Impostor Syndrome
  • 00:20:52 - Unleashing Vulnerability: How Working from Home Empowered Me to Embrace Controversial Posts and Celebrate Wins
  • 00:22:53 - From Side Gig to Sales Academy: The Journey of Christian Krause
  • 00:26:00 - From Free to Full-Time: The Journey of a Rising Coach and Connector
  • 00:30:11 - The Evolving Definition of Success: From CRO to a Sense of Spaciousness
  • 00:31:08 - From Trailblazer to Trendsetter: Embracing the Rise of the Side Gig
  • 00:32:11 - From Burnout to Bliss: Finding Happiness and Success Beyond Sales
  • 00:37:13 - The Rising Leader: Uncovering the Human Side Behind the Numbers in Sales Leadership

Connect With Christian here:

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Mentioned in this episode:

The Arise Immersion

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About the Podcast

The Rising Leader
‘The Rising Leader podcast is a show for top performing leaders who want to take their lives, their career, and their impact to the next level. The world is craving a new type of leadership and culture from those who lead high performing teams and are truly connected to their authentic self while blazing a trail for others to follow. This show will give you the knowledge and understanding of what it takes to lead yourself, lead others, lead a team, and lead a culture. It will help you embody the core principles of your highest version to take on any team, company, or mission. Tune into episodes (almost) every week hosted by Founder and CEO of Alluviance, Alex Kremer, whose mission is to help millennial tech sales leaders build a culture founded on purpose, connection, and growth.’

About your host

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Hector Santiesteban