Episode 14

Published on:

23rd May 2023

Aligning Vision and Action: Andrew Biggs’ Strategies for Living with Purpose

In this episode of The Rising Leader podcast, Alex Kremer and Andrew Biggs explore personal and professional growth, emphasizing the importance of maintaining an achievement-oriented mindset while being mindful of the dangers of basing self-worth on competition and appearance. They encourage listeners to examine their belief systems, establish a clear vision and identity, and find their purpose. The episode also addresses the significance of meaningful impact, community, and surrounding oneself with supportive individuals.

In This Episode, You'll Learn:

  • 00:00:00 Unleashing Potential: Rising Leader Podcast Journey Begins
  • 00:03:32 Embracing an Achievement Mindset for Success in Business and Life
  • 00:05:51 Escaping the Exhausting Cycle of Competing for Self-worth
  • 00:08:10 Appearance, Achievement, and Character: A Reflective Perspective
  • 00:10:36 Redefining Self-worth through Belief Systems and Adding Value
  • 00:15:00 From Coolness to Personal Goals: Navigating Life's Pressures
  • 00:16:41 Sales, Love, Money, and the Reflection on Life's Aspects
  • 00:19:37 Vision and Identity: Key Elements of Personal Transformation
  • 00:20:40 Discovering Purpose and Vision for a Fulfilling Life
  • 00:23:26 The Importance of Clarity and Direction as We Age
  • 00:28:01 Apprenticing in Life: Embracing Growth and Learning
  • 00:30:44 Challenging the Illusion of Comfort for True Progress
  • 00:34:32 Supercell's Insights: Meaningful Impact and Community for High Achievers
  • 00:37:48 Finding Like-minded Community: An Essential Element for Success
  • 00:39:35 Episode Feature: Automate, Delegate, Systemize Your Business

Connect With Andrew here:

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Mentioned in this episode:

The Arise Immersion

Show artwork for The Rising Leader

About the Podcast

The Rising Leader
‘The Rising Leader podcast is a show for top performing leaders who want to take their lives, their career, and their impact to the next level. The world is craving a new type of leadership and culture from those who lead high performing teams and are truly connected to their authentic self while blazing a trail for others to follow. This show will give you the knowledge and understanding of what it takes to lead yourself, lead others, lead a team, and lead a culture. It will help you embody the core principles of your highest version to take on any team, company, or mission. Tune into episodes (almost) every week hosted by Founder and CEO of Alluviance, Alex Kremer, whose mission is to help millennial tech sales leaders build a culture founded on purpose, connection, and growth.’

About your host

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Hector Santiesteban